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Mortgage Professor about Jewish Sex: 
Is Credit Scoring Fair to Minorities?
December 21, 1998 "I was shocked to discover recently that my credit rating, called a 'FICO score', was poor, due largely to a 90-day past-due bill that I have every year because my work is seasonal. Comes the spring I always pay the bills in full? Most of my ... more...

Jewish Sex related definitions

Equal Credit Oportunity Act
Equal Credit Oportunity Act (ECOA) Is a federal law that requires lenders and other creditors to make credit equally available without discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status or receipt of income from public assistance programs. ... more...

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Get instant on-line mortgage rate quote and closing cost estimate. Only put your loan numbers. No contact info required. Compare offers from top mortgage lenders... more...

How to Plan Your Wedding and Honeymoon
1. Weddings typically can cost you anywhere around $15,000 or more. The big question is: who foots the bill?The 21st century has heralded a shift in the way these costs are handled. We have moved away from the days when the family of the bride would pay all costs associated with the wedding ... more...

A Fragile Lifeline: Lessons I Learned Answering The Aids Hotline
Dial 1-800/AIDSNYCEvery Monday and Wednesday morning, promptly at 10 a.m., I leave behind my daily life and turn to volunteering as an AIDS Hotline counselor at New York Citys GMHC [Gay Mens Health Crisis], the nations largest social service agency for AIDS.For the next four hours, my ... more...

Sex, Love, and Poly-Behavioral Addiction
Proposing a New Diagnosis and Theory for Patients with Multiple Addictions By James Slobodzien, Psy.D., CSACExperts in the field of addictions are presently purporting that between 3 and 6 percent of the worlds population (193 to 386 million people) are presently affected by a sexual dependency or ... more...

A Dozen Things You Must Know Before You Tie the Knot
Marriage was conceived by God, planned by God and designed by God. Therefore we need to seek Gods guidance in marriage. Too often we do what we have seen done without question. Everyone has opinions about marriage but you cannot afford to listen to everyone. Remember, what works for some people ... more...

The Seduction of a Married Man
What is it about a married man that is so irresistible?It must be something because so many women fall for it. Just this week I encountered two women who have slipped into the trap of fatal attraction for a married man. It is dangerous territory and I do not recommend that anyone go there. I speak ... more...

Oprah Winfrey You Go Girl!
Many people are questioning Oprah's motives in her recent campaign against child sex offenders. I myself have been critical of Oprah in the past but when it comes to child Sexual abuse am I happy to be on the same side as Oprah.I can't think of a more reprehensible offense then the sexual abuse of ... more...

10 Keys to Getting Along With Single Women For Successful Dating, Seduction
1. When with a woman on a date, under no circumstances whatsoever, look at and flirt with other women. This is just plain rude and disrespectful. It's very degrading to a woman and makes her feel very unimportant. It really hurts their feelings, especially if she is attracted to you.2. Don't play ... more...

Life After Prison - The Road Home, Vanishing Dreams
The basic trauma of being locked inside of a penal institution is often overlooked. The effect this system has on a person is very hard to imagine. Along with the institutional scars, each inmate carries his own internal wounds from his personal sense of suffering and loss. The average prisoner has ... more...

Who Are Your Kids Talking To Online?
Studies have shown that:1 out of 4 children were sent pictures of people who were naked or having sex?1 out of 5 children were solicited for sex on the Internet50% of people have made phone calls with someone the chatted with online.Do you know what strangers are saying to your kids?What can you do ... more...

Understanding Your Rights Under The Equal Credit Opportunity Act
It wasnt all that long ago that lenders blatantly discriminated when it came to approving credit for women and minority groups. Women were actually asked personal and demeaning questions like, how many children do you plan to have in the future or are you on birth control?Despite the fact that they ... more...

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